PDF: The Art of Client Communication - My Complete Email Workflow for Senior Portrait Sessions

PDF: The Art of Client Communication - My Complete Email Workflow for Senior Portrait Sessions

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The Art of Client Communication: My Complete Email Workflow for Senior Portrait Sessions

If you do in person sales (IPS) for senior portraits, or any other type of session, you might have already realized how important your canned emails are that you send to every single portrait client throughout their session experience. Having detailed and well thought out emails is a HUGE part of building a thriving and successful IPS portrait business, because they:

  • Keep your clients well-informed throughout the session process.

  • Create a more positive session experience for clients, since they’ll always be prepared for each step of the session process.

  • Enable your clients to be the kind of client that you enjoy working with and want to book more of.

  • Help you set your client’s expectations for placing product orders, and help you guide them toward placing product orders that meet ALL your sales and income goals.

Creating a perfectly crafted set of canned workflow emails for my IPS senior portrait experience took YEARS of trial and error, and countless hours of tweaking wording. Now, instead of typing out the same long emails to clients over and over again and spending hours trying to decide what to say, all I have to do is send the same canned emails to each client and take a few seconds to fill in any information that changes each time. After multiple years of using the exact emails contained in this guide, I noticed:

  • 65% or more of those who filled out my inquiry form on my website scheduled an in person consult to receive all the session info, and have the opportunity to book a senior spot with me.

  • Out of those who came to my studio for a consult, 95% chose to officially book their sessions right then and there, and paid their retainer fee in full and signed their portrait agreement before leaving.

  • My seniors and their parents rarely emailed me to ask questions about the session process, since everything they needed to know for each step of the experience could be found in the emails I send them.

  • Almost every senior felt comfortable enough to let me give input on their outfits, styling, and session location choices, because of how I encourage them in the emails to use me as a resource for planning. This resulted in most of my sessions fitting my brand extremely well, almost as if they were styled shoots.

  • The parents never gave me any push-back or complaints about placing product orders, and they never asked me to compromise my services to make exceptions for them.

  • My clients actually ENJOYED coming to my studio to view their images and place their product orders in person, and placed large orders that met my sales goals every single time, without me having to be pushy or sales-y.

  • Both the seniors and their parents would rave about the session experience to their friends and family. I still have certain parents that send me regular referrals who I photographed their daughter years and years ago.

In this one of a kind guide for in person sales photographers, you’ll receive all the REAL canned emails I send to every single senior portrait client throughout each step of the session process, which is 11 emails in total. After each email I include a detailed explanation about WHY I say what I say, so that you can understand the purpose of each section, and how it benefits both the photographer and the client. By either using my exact emails in your workflow (if they fit your business perfectly), or adjusting them to suit your own client experience and services based on everything you’ll learn from the explanations, you’ll be able avoid the years of trial and error that most new photographers go through to develop a successful email workflow. That way, you can build a thriving and successful portrait business even faster, without missing out on all the clients you didn’t book because your first email to them didn’t inspire them to.

Emails Included:

  1. My initial inquiry response when they fill out the contact form on my website: 457 words

  2. Reminder email sent before their in person consult: 219 words

  3. Booking confirmation sent after they leave their consult: 241 words

  4. Choosing their session date: 324 words

  5. Confirmation email when their session date is chosen: 162 words

  6. Session prep email sent two weeks before their session: 264 words

  7. Final session prep email with locations, time, and final prep advice: 233 words

  8. Scheduling their ordering appointment after the session: 486 words

  9. Ordering appointment reminder email: 434 words

  10. Order receipt and request for testimonial: 102 words

  11. Scheduling their order pickup or delivery: 76 words

This PDF guide can be taken advantage of by ANY type of photographer with any business model, because it’s always helpful to be able to see exactly how other photographers are communicating with their clients. But since I am an IPS senior portrait photographer (meaning I do in person consults, and then after the session clients come back to the studio to see their images for the first time and place product orders for display art right then and there), this guide is PERFECT for other IPS photographers, all senior portrait photographers, and any new photographer trying to get into or just starting out in either IPS or senior portrait sessions. There’s nothing worse than purchasing an educational guide from someone, only to find out that the very long guide is mostly just filler material, rather than real, applicable, and educational content. So, I promise that this guide is 26 pages PACKED with information, and absolutely no fluff!

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